Your Vote, Our Planet: Navigating the European Parliament Elections

Image showing a close up of a butterfly in the grass. Next to it the text vote for nature EU election edition and a small drawing of the EU flag

The forthcoming European Parliament elections play a critical role in determining our stance on climate change and nature conservation. With the EU’s legislation and subsidies exerting substantial influence, voting becomes imperative to ensure your voice is heard. Yet, the complexity of the EU and its parties presents a challenge in decision-making. To aid in this process, we’ve curated a guide detailing the parties’ stances on climate and nature issues, complemented by essential election process information.

How to buy land for Rewilding

Man with a straw hat, sitting on top of a hill looking down into a vally

What if we simply buy land and rewild it? It’s a question many young people ask themselves. But how do you buy land for rewilding? From finding the right size for your rewilding project to how to finance it, we are sharing our top tips to look for land to rewild.

How Sylvester’s WildToken Initiative Empowers Youth to Restore Nature

two people standing in a open landscape

For young people and communities, getting into rewilding can often be difficult due to financial hurdles in acquiring land. Challenged by this, Sylvester Rewilding created a way to empower young people and communities to collectively finance, own, govern, and rewild abandoned land areas in Europe. Read about the journey bringing together Sylvester Rewilding and how it creates a new and revolutionary way to scale up rewilding.

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