Our approach to rewilding

Here at Sylvester transparency is one of our core values, but as a wise saying goes “communication is not key, its comprehension”. Therefore, we would like to take the time and explain the whats, hows and whys of our plans in this blog. Today we want to start explaining what we envision when we refer to rewilding our plots.

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Here at Sylvester transparency is one of our core values, but as a wise saying goes “communication is not key, its comprehension”. Therefore, we would like to take the time and explain the whats, hows and whys of our plans in this blog. Today we want to start explaining what we envision when we refer to rewilding our plots.

First and foremost, there is a plethora of approaches one can take when wanting to restore nature. Each one will have their strengths and weaknesses. We begin our journey in finding Sylvesters rewilding strategy, with the understanding that there is not one perfect solution. Furthermore, that the path we choose will be constrained by a variety of factors, such as time, location and funding.

In order to remain flexible we split our strategy into different phases. Accounting for the variety of above-mentioned factors. We are optimistic, for instance, that as Sylvester continues to grow, more funding options for our rewilding strategy will become available. 

Currently we have mapped out three phases:

Phase one, consists of purely giving the space back to nature. We will gather general information on the plot to create a first general picture of the present state, in order to compare this to the later stages in the project. Overall, when available we will employ minimal invasive actions in order to minimize the potential impact that, for example invasive species or potential wildfires could have. Most importantly the flora and fauna will have the ability to take over again what once was theirs and enter the first phase of regeneration.

With minimal funding we will be able to transition into the second phase. Enabling us to create an in-depth picture of the conditions and potential managing mechanisms we could potentially employ. In order to strategically aid the quick regeneration of set plots. As mentioned above time is a constraining factor. The destruction of ecosystems is proceeding at an alarming pace, in the same vein the effects of our changing climate are becoming increasingly apparent. We must act now, and therefore attempt to regenerate as many ecosystems and landscapes as we can muster. Once we have decided upon a mix of possible rewilding strategies we could potentially employ, we transcend into the third phase. 

This phase is shaped through our wonderful Wild Climate Club. Collectively we decide upon which of the measures previously carved out in phase two we are going to pursue. NFT holders of the specific plot will be able to contribute, discuss and decide together on which strategy to pursue. Actively shaping the journey of their respective plot  into becoming a flourishing, abundant and striving ecosystem. We would like to encourage everyone to get involved in helping us to collectively rewild as much areas as possible. 

All in all this is just a brief glimpse of our rewilding approach. In the following blogposts we will go into further detail about our work, for instance on how we determine our mix of rewilding strategies and much more. Stay tuned! 

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