Happy Earth Day! Rewild Your Everyday Life!

Today, we are celebrating Earth Day. But Earth Day is not just for today, it's for every day. We want to share three ideas with you on how to celebrate our planet all year round.

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Today, we are celebrating Earth Day. But Earth Day is not just for today, it’s for every day. We want to share three ideas with you on how to celebrate our planet all year round.


One: Create sustainable habits in your daily life. You can reduce waste, recycle, consider your travel, eat more veggies, and reduce meat and dairy consumption. There is a whole list of small things you can do to make your daily life more sustainable. The United Nations has put together a comprehensive list of individual small actions you can take to make a difference. Check it out HERE


Two: Talk about the climate issue and, more importantly, what actions we can take. Share your ideas and concerns with others. Ask questions about why things are the way they are and how they can be changed. Sharing your ideas and concerns helps find solutions and take action. Start with your friends and family, people you feel comfortable around, but don’t hesitate to speak out loudly. Speak up to local leaders and corporations around you, raise the topic to their awareness, and urge them to act. Check out THIS LINK for more ideas. 

And this brings us to number three: TAKE ACTION. Find out who’s active in your area and how you can participate. Reach out to local and international groups. Even if you don’t know yet how you could help, you will be surprised at what you can do to support our efforts in climate protection. The more people get active, the easier it is to make a change. We are all in this together. If you are feeling inspired to make a change right now, reach out to us and get involved! CLICK HERE!

Happy Earth Day!

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