Environmental news of the month: July

picture showing the city medellin viewed from a hill. you can see many high buildings and a mountain in the background with lots of trees

Discover July’s top environmental stories: wild horses restore German mining sites, Medellín cools down with green spaces, the EU commits to nature restoration, and Sweden bans destructive bottom trawling. Read more for the latest in biodiversity and conservation efforts.

Environmental news of the month: June

European bison roam Portugal once more and help capture and store atmospheric carbon in Romania, Welsh seagrass nursery flourishes, Curlew chicks return in Fota Island, Nature unveils a stunning Highland restoration, and a New Ally against Big Oil!

Your Vote, Our Planet: Navigating the European Parliament Elections

Image showing a close up of a butterfly in the grass. Next to it the text vote for nature EU election edition and a small drawing of the EU flag

The forthcoming European Parliament elections play a critical role in determining our stance on climate change and nature conservation. With the EU’s legislation and subsidies exerting substantial influence, voting becomes imperative to ensure your voice is heard. Yet, the complexity of the EU and its parties presents a challenge in decision-making. To aid in this process, we’ve curated a guide detailing the parties’ stances on climate and nature issues, complemented by essential election process information.

How to buy land for Rewilding

Man with a straw hat, sitting on top of a hill looking down into a vally

What if we simply buy land and rewild it? It’s a question many young people ask themselves. But how do you buy land for rewilding? From finding the right size for your rewilding project to how to finance it, we are sharing our top tips to look for land to rewild.

How Sylvester’s WildToken Initiative Empowers Youth to Restore Nature

two people standing in a open landscape

For young people and communities, getting into rewilding can often be difficult due to financial hurdles in acquiring land. Challenged by this, Sylvester Rewilding created a way to empower young people and communities to collectively finance, own, govern, and rewild abandoned land areas in Europe. Read about the journey bringing together Sylvester Rewilding and how it creates a new and revolutionary way to scale up rewilding.

Bumblebees and why they’re vital to our survival

bumblebee in a yellow flower with grassy background

Save the bumblebees! Sounds a bit funny, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t it be ‘save the bees’? Well, bumblebees are even more important than bees when it comes to pollination, ecosystem health, and the stability of our food system. Find out why.

Rewilding Book Recommendations

Pile of books on a hand before a white background.

For “World Rewilding Day”- Week We asked our team what are their favourite rewilding books.
Here are the Sylvester Team top four recommendations.

Top 5 Rewilding Documentaries

Roles of film.

Explore the world of rewilding with our top 5 documentaries. Witness stunning landscapes and heartwarming narratives that illuminate the vital work of restoring nature’s balance. Explore these must-watch documentaries and embark on a journey of conservation, preservation, and reconnection with nature.

Bits&Species European Bison

Meet the ecosystem architect: European Bison, also known as Wisent. Once nearly hunted to extinction, these giant grazers are now celebrating a stunning comeback in Europe, thanks in large part to rewilding efforts. These majestic creatures once played a vital role in shaping Europe’s landscape, and now they’re reclaiming their place through rewilding.

Nature’s Answer to Flooding Chaos

A panoramic view over a wide river flowing through a valley with a small island in the middle of it.

How rewilding can tackle our increasing struggle with flooding. An overview of the roots of our problem with floods and the rewilding techniques that help to solve them.

Exploring Nature Protected Areas: A Comprehensive Guide

A panoramic shot of a landscape with a drawing and the headline "Nature Protected Areas. A Comprehensive Guide".

This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the diverse landscape of nature protected areas. It gives a short overview of different nature protected area types in Portugal, and tries to fit rewilding into the scheme of nature protected areas.

All you need to know about the ‘Nature Restoration Law’

A young woman in the sunshine holding a dry branch - above her the headline "EU Nature Restoration Law. All you need to know!".

In the past month, we have been sharing updates and calls to action surrounding the EU’s nature restoration law. The realisation of this law has undergone some important developments in the past weeks, that we would like to share with you. We want to take this update on the latest developments as an opportunity to give you a rundown of the most important points, developments, and challenges of the law and explain why it is crucial to us. So, let’s start in order.

Rewilding Glossary

Icon of a black-and-white person with glasses reading in a book and curiously bending over the book.

Dive into the lexicon of ecological restoration and conservation with our rewilding glossary. From apex predators to trophic cascades, this glossary provides a concise guide to all the essential vocabulary you need to discuss rewilding.

The problem with EUCALYPTUS in Portugal

A young woman in front of a green landscape. Next to her pasted words under the headline "Negative Effect of Eucalyptus".

Driven by economic interests, eucalyptus plantations have expanded extensively, with awareness slowly catching up regarding the strain they impose on native environments.

In an effort to shed light on the adverse effects of eucalyptus and promote the search for sustainable alternatives, we’ve crafted a video covering everything you need to know about the impact of eucalyptus here in Europe.

Understanding Native, Invasive, and Non-Native Species in Ecosystem

A tree photographed from below, showing its bark and green leaves on top in front of a blue sky.

Welcome to our ‘Bits&Species’ blog series, where we delve into the Western European flora and fauna to provide you with a better understanding of the natural world that surrounds you. Ecosystems, which are highly interconnected, can be significantly affected by even small changes, such as the introduction of a new species. This often results in a loss of biodiversity and weakens the ecosystems. To address ecosystem and biodiversity loss, it is crucial to distinguish which species are native to a habitat and which may pose a threat to it. In this post, we aim to offer insights into the terms native, invasive, and non-native, which are fundamental in the field of biology for describing the origin and impact of species within specific ecosystems.

Make Your Garden Winter-Ready, Rewilding Style

Brown and red leaves in the air - appearing to be falling down.

Autumn is the perfect time to enjoy the last warm sunlight before the long winter. It’s also the ideal moment to prepare your garden for the cold season. Here are some tips on how to get your garden winter-ready, rewilding style.

Bits&Species: The Power of Keystone Species

Keystone species can change the development of a whole ecosystem. Find out why they’re so essential in rewilding – and some examples you might not have thought about being keystones in ecology.

Rewilding action at Quinta Messejana

We successfully did our first rewilding action in collaboration with Quinta da Messejana, and the response was overwhelming! Join in our first Vlog and get a peek behind the scenes of the rewilding action, as well as all the ins and outs of the project.

Rewild your life #2 How to build a Bug Hotel

Small urban spaces, like gardens, play a crucial role in the success of rewilding. To support small-scale rewilding, Sylvester has started collecting interventions that turn your small space into a rewilding oasis, helping connect rewilding areas and species. Let’s dive into the first intervention: building a bug hotel.

Rewild your life #1 Podcast recommendations

There are numerous small actions that everyone can undertake today to add a touch of wilderness to their lives. To get inspired here are a few podcasts that dive deep into the topic of rewilding and fill you with excitement through captivating stories of rewilding initiatives across the globe.

The Core principles of rewilding

To align and facilitate rewilding efforts, practitioners all over Europe have decided on ten core principles that also we at Sylvester aim to follow. All principles are equally important and are at the core of our efforts.

What is rewilding?

At Sylvester we want to create more wilderness across Europe using the method of rewilding – but what exactly is rewilding and how does it work? In this blog post we give you all the ins and outs on rewilding.

Happy Earth Day! Rewild Your Everyday Life!

Today, we are celebrating Earth Day. But Earth Day is not just for today, it’s for every day. We want to share three ideas with you on how to celebrate our planet all year round.

Wildtokens Explained

WildTokens are your ticket to the European rewilding movement and you can get them through us, of course. But what exactly is a Token? What can you do with it and what makes our Tokens so wild?

The Fortune of the Commons

With these principles in mind and the vision that natural spaces should be sustainably governed, taken care of and providing value to all stakeholders, we at Sylvester aim to create strong communities around our rewilding plots, offering a fair, local and sustainable way forward for climate protection.

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